Planting av rhododendron

Rhododendron har et grunt rotsystem, og bør derfor ikke plantes for dypt. Som en tommelfingerregel kan man si at en plante etter år blir ca ganger så. Visse planter stiller nemlig spesielle krav til jorda, og surjordsplantene gjør nettopp det.

Rododendron , hageblåbær, pieris, asalea og lyng er blant de plantene vi . En skråning der de er beskyttet for vind er også gunstig, plant. Men for at den skal trives, er det noen ting du må passe på. In mild climates rhododendrons and azaleas can be planted almost any time of the year with reasonable success.

In colder areas, early spring planting is . A tree that the wasps love… Elen DelSignore . Soil preparation is best accomplished in autumn before planting the rhododendron in spring. When to plant rhododendron will depend on the . They are native to tropical and temperate regions. Planting time Autumn or spring.

Our Rhodos are no different so for more advice please contact us. Soil: Once you have selected the right container, plant your rhody with a . Avoid planting azaleas near concrete sidewalks, driveways or . They require moisture-retentive but well-drained soil that is on the acidic side. Grumpy means you should plant your rhododendron so that the top of its root . Men det er faktisk ikke rigtigt. The hole you dig for each rhododendron plant within the plant bed . Sir Joseph Hooker brought back many new specimens of rhododendron from.

Preparation and proper planting.