Hakonechloa macra

Hakonechloa macra , with the common . Phragmites macer, Phragmites oyyamensis. Brightly variegated golden foliage with green stripes near the leaf margins give this Japanese forest grass its distinctive look. One of the most gorgeous of ornamental grasses, also one of the few that prefers shady sites.

Its narrow, arching leaves are striped with bright green and gold. Ornamental grasses continue their popularity with growers, landscapers and consumers alike. Although the ornamental grass hakonechloa is not new to our . It would be difficult to overpraise this ornamental grass for the effect it brings to the year-round garden.

The only species in the genus, H. Magnificent grass with attractive gold variegated ribbon like foliage forming simply divine mounds. For information on the growing and . I have always been attracted to aureolas and this Aureola is one of the finest. One of the best ornamental grasses and perhaps the best for shade, this .