Farming simulator

Take control of your farm and its fields to fulfil your harvesting dreams. Please enjoy your visit and we hope you subscribe! Themen: Beiträge: Letzter Beitrag.

Do you want to improve your farming skills and satisfy all your farming needs? Here you can find various maps to upgrade your game. Utforsk et stort åpent landskap inkludert et detaljert .

Farming Simulator is the sixth entry in the Farming Simulator series, released for Windows. Test your specs and rate your gaming PC. Now, you can also play it online, in your browser, for free! PEGI- innholdsbeskrivelse, PEGI-online.

Australsk regjeringsklasse, General (G). Anta utmaningar som att ta hand om . THE MOST COMPLETE FARMING SIMULATOR EXPERIENCE! Farming simulator inviterer deg til en utfordrende hverdag som moderne bonde.

Take on all the challenges of farming life, . The latter has somewhat upset . Kjøp NS FARMING SIMULATOR hos Power. Developer: GIANTS Software GmbH . By Kjell-Øyvind Hjeltnes Hellesund. Spillet gir deg alle utfordringene gårdsdrift har med seg.

Spillet er altså nr på topp 1players listen på steam. Plant, harvest, and trade in crops, including for the first time sunflowers. Diversify your activity with animal . Og ikke minst: hvordan kombinere spilling med sosialt samvære?

PlatforPC Production type: Game Genre: Simulation All ages. The content of this game is suitable for all . Drive over 2authentic farming vehicles and equipment from over manufacturers, including. Apparently, Shen prefers if we go easy on each other, then the story goes along in these . Since Steam has the option to change the language, Xbox version should too.