Epilobium parviflorum

Dunmjølke brukes som et effektivt og helt uskadelig middel mot godartet prostataforstørring og dens følgesykdommer. FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. BPH), but its biological action is not entirely identified. Taxonomic Notes: Many synonyms recorded for this species, such as: Chamaenerion parviflorum Schreb.

Herbs robust, perennial, with short-stalked leafy basal rosettes.

Family: Primrose (Onagraceae) Self-seeding annual. Traditional usage (TWM): inflamed. Underklasse, Tofrøblader (Magnoliidae). Familie, Mjølkefamilien (Onagraceae).

Identification: Stem erect or ascending, mostly simple, terete, stiffly hairy. A perennial herb, most frequent in marshes, fens, streamsides and other disturbed wet places, spreading by air-borne seed. However, the species will also grow .

There are several species of Willow Herb that can be . All of our Herb plant are grown organically. Category: information only not used for fragrances or flavors. Recommendation for epilobium parviflorum herb usage levels up to: not for fragrance use. Epilobium can be purchased in our Online Herb Store. Europe and east through Russia, Nepal and Mongolia to China.

Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. It is naturalised in New Zealand and . The aqueous acetone extracts exhibit high . Stängel run dicht abstehend behaart, im Blütenstand auch mit Drüsenhaaren. ORGANIC EPILOBIUM PARVIFLORUM TEA. Prostatic hypertrophy, prostatitis, urinary tract inflammations. Supports proper functioning of.

Dunmjølke Dunet Dueurt Nukkahorsma Hoary Willowherb Kleinblütiges Weidenröschen. Each plant profile in the database contains nomenclature .

SCN: small-flower willow herb QUICK REFERENCE SUMMARY Safety Class: Interaction Class: A CONTRAINDICATIONS . Weidenröschen – epilobium parviflorum – Dosierung, Indikationen, Kontraindikationen und Inhaltsstoffe – Anwendung TCM und Pflanzenheilkunde . It bears soft-textured stalkless. If you have questions, contact Dr. Classification: Onagraceae, Dicotyledonous. The Willow herb tincture has a . Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.