
Vakker, riktblomstrende hengelobelia med pene, små blå blomster. Lobelia er en lettstelt plante. Ta kontakt med Giftinformasjonen hvis barnet ditt kan ha smakt på en lobelia -plante. The lobelia plant is an attractive annual herb with many varieties. Learn more about lobelia nutritional benefits, uses, and potential side effects.

Blooming Season : Early Spring, Spring. Plant Habit : Mounde Trailing. Its delicate and dainty blooms of purple, pink, . It comes in both upright and trailing varieties, typically . Unlike most trailing lobelias , this cultivar does not falter in hot temperatures.

Bright red flowers and maroon foliage. In terms of its toxicity level, . Get information, facts, and pictures about lobelia at Encyclopedia. Make research projects and school reports about lobelia easy with credible articles from . English dictionary definition of lobelia.

Any of numerous plants of the genus . Lettdyrket, men har meget små frø. De kan blandes med san så blir de . This plant has poison characteristics. Drømmen er et hav av lobelia som nærmest flommer ut av krukka. Learn how to grow and care for annual lobelia.

These sun-loving annuals are ideal for flower borders and containers! Additional Common Names: Cardinal Flower, Indian Pink. Toxicity: Toxic to Dogs, Toxic to . However, new shoots rapidly grow from the lower leaf . View interior and exterior paint colors and color palettes.

Get design inspiration for painting projects. LOBELIA INFLATA Indian Tobacco.