
Den er formet som en melon, og er dekket av små skarpe horn på utsiden av skallet. Dagbladets matjournalist Merethe Hommelsgård lukter på en kiwano , også kalt melano, pepano, hornmelon, hornagurk og afrikas agurk. Plantens frukt er avlang med en lengde på omtrent cm.

Cucumis metuliferus, horned melon or kiwano , also African horned cucumber or melon, jelly melon, hedged gour melano, is an annual vine in the cucumber . Health benefits of kiwano include its ability to prevent chronic diseases, aid in weight loss and digestion, boost metabolism, and improve eye . The kiwano (here called by its proprietary name of “cuke-asaurus”) is beguiling in its fever-yellow appearance.

The kiwano is an oval shaped fruit which has an orange skin with lots of tiny horns. Native to Africa, but now grown . Discover kiwano fruit, aka horned melon. What are some of the health benefits of the spiky kiwano melon, and how can we best eat this tropical fruit? Shipments by sea containers… kiwano.

Intrigue I grabbed two and placed them into my . English: kiwano , melano, African horned cucumber, jelly melon , hedged gour horned melon, English tomato. Wie man die Schale verwenden kann und vor allem wie man diese köstliche exotische Frucht isst, lesen Sie hier.

Kiwano – African Horned Cucumber. Korta taggigafrukter med en mycket angenäm smak. Well, ladies and gentlemen, this strange-looking fruit happens to be a . De kiwano is een plant uit de komkommerfamilie. De stevige schil is groenoranje tot knaloranje van kleur.

Het vruchtvlees van de kiwano is heldergroen en . Specialties: KIWANO China trifft Vietnam! Die asiatische Küche ist überaus facettenreich. Neben den Ihnen bekannten Gerichten wie der knusprigen Ente mit . The KIWANO PLUS App is designed for the KIWANO scooter. It is golden orange when ripe with . Teppanyaki ist ein kulinarisch einzigartiges Erlebnis aus der asiatischen Küche. Nehmen Sie Platz in einem der schönsten asiatischen Restaurants Österreichs.

Ulla Mayer-Raichle, NTB scanpix. Okay, let me back up and re-start by . One analysis reported the fruit to be.