
Flocker manages Docker containers and data volumes together. When you use Flocker to manage your stateful microservice, your volumes will follow your . Getting Started with Flocker ‎ Production container ops ‎ FlockerHub ‎ Support Docker Container Data Management Persistent Storage ClusterHQ https://clusterhq. Bufret Lignende Oversett denne siden Flocker is the leading volume orchestrator for Docker.

Used in production across hundreds of nodes, Flocker integrates with Docker Swarm, Kubernetes and . Container data volume manager for your Dockerized application. Flocker ‎ Issues ClusterHQ/flocker ‎  ‎ License vSphere Flocker driver – GitHub https://github. Bufret Lignende Oversett denne siden vSphere Flocker driver. Contribute to vsphere- flocker -driver development by creating an account on GitHub. Container data volume manager for your Dockerized application.

Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management. In this blog, I will cover Flocker from ClusterHQ which is used for Container data/ volume management. I will cover some Flocker basics and . You will use Docker Compose to deploy the app on a Swarm cluster using Flocker as a volume driver. You will then move both containers from one node to. The Mesos Flocker project adds cloud storage to Mesos.

Start your stateful applications with the confidence of using a redundant data store. ClusterHQ Flocker is open source software that allows Docker containers and the data associated with them to migrated as one across servers .