Frodig plante med vakre, kontrastrike blad med grønt mønster, og lillaskiftende underside. Trives på lyst–halvskygget ste unngå direkte sol. Vakker kompakt plante med runde blader på korte stilker.
Bladene er olivengrønne med rød midtnerve. De har røde felter nær bladkantene og .
Keep the plant away from direct sunlight. Calatheas, also called zebra plants, are tropical plants that consist of . The living plant, decorative and highly air-purifying! Calathea is one of the most beautiful houseplants, showing off colore patterned foliage. Grown for their dramatic foliage, exotic calatheas ( Calathea spp.) are among the splashiest of tropicals.
Although star calathea Lotus Pink . The broadly oval foliage is striped silver on the surface and purple on the reverse.
Calatheas are house plants loved for their attractive foliage. There are several dozen species in this genus. Native to the tropical Americas, many of the. Calathea medallion flower plant delivery and sales in Yerevan Armenia.
Veilig bestellen en afhalen bij je favoriete GroenRijk vestiging. Calathea with striking feathered pattern various shades green white Underside leaf deep burgundy color Excellent inch containers Grown shipped cell . The dark green leaves are flushed and banded with silver and emerald green. Calathea – Medallion from Virginia Nursery, Virginia South Australia. The Calathea Roseopicta Medallion plant displays intricate variegation on its leaves.
Bekijk het product online of kom naar één van onze winkels, waar we je graag verder helpen. This picture brightens with time. Genul Calathea cuprinde sute de specii de plante perene, vesnic verzi, originare din regiunile subtropicale ale Americii de Sud.
Calathea ‘ Medallion ‘ – 3Ltr pot, bush form, total height 70cm. Denver Botanic Gardens Gardens Navigator Calathea ‘ Medallion ‘ Calathea. Flowers: Its bracts are green and its flowers are whitish.
Plantele prezinta frunze ovale . English: Location taken: United States Botanic Garden.