
Virkningsmekanisme: Forstyrrer kitinsyntesen som er en vesentlig bestanddel av eksoskjelettet til ledddyr. Lakselusmidlet teflubenzuron er skadelig for akvatiske krepsdyr, men betraktes som relativt lite toksisk for fisk. Pesticide properties for teflubenzuron , including approvals, environmental fate, eco-toxicity and human health issues.

This screening survey investigated the occurrence of two benzoylurea chitin synthesis inhibiting pesticides, diflubenzuron and teflubenzuron , . It melts at 2degrees celsius.

Teflubenzuron does not dissolve well. Report : FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper, Pesticide . Find product specific information including CAS, MSDS, protocols and references. Compendium of Pesticide Common Names, including IUPAC and CAS systematic names, molecular formula, structural . Diflubenzuron og teflubenzuron er . Molecular Formula: C14H6Cl2F4N2O Molecular Weight: 381. The elimination of radioactivity in the milk of goats accounted for 0. Studies of plant metabolism with foliar .

No direct toxicity was observed after oral administration of . The feeding of teflubenzuron to Atlantic salmon is not thought or been. Residues and metabolites of teflubenzuron in or on the edible tissues of treated. WTO har også fastsatt en såkalt ADI – som er anbefalt daglig maksimumsgrense for inntak. Legemiddelet teflubenzuron er mye brukt mot lakselus.

Please login or register to view prices, check availability and place orders. Etter medisinering inneholder en stor del av villfauna rester av teflubenzuron (fisk, krepsdyr, børstemark). Randomized clinical trial to investigate the effectiveness of teflubenzuron for. The persistence and stability of the oral administered anti salmon-lice drugs teflubenzuron and diflubenzuron were tested when associated to organic material . Oppdrettsfisk fra anlegg som har brukt teflubenzuron mot lakselus og villfisk fisket utenfor oppdrettsanlegg hvor middelet er brukt, er trygg å . The samples were extracted with . Ingrediente activo: teflubenzuron.

Nombre común (ISO‑I): teflubenzuron. Grupo químico: benzoilurea, clorado, fluorado. TEFLUBENZURON First draft prepared by J. Watson, Pesticides Safety Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Foo York, United .

A method to determine residues of diflubenzuron. DFB), teflubenzuron (TFB), triflumuron (TFM) at. The efficacy of abamectin (AgrimecR) and teflubenzuron (NomoltR) was assessed by leaf-dip bioassay against larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella . The teflubenzuron baits reduced field colonies of S. AUTHORS: Stravs M, Schymanski E , .